She states: "Talk to your family about what their black and brown friends might experience that they don’t have to. Teach your family to empathize with, and give the benefit of the doubt to, people whose world and experience is far outside their own."
This entry on BonBob Break was inspired by what happened in Ferguson, Mo. An unarmed Black man was shot and killed by police officers. The writer states her fears that racism against African-Americans is growing in the US and she fears for her little man at home.
A very valid fear.
Although the majority of racism in the US is against African-Americans, there are plenty of racism and acts of prejudice among other cultures. We cannot ask for action against one and totally ignore, and in this woman's case, out right deny the existence of another.
There are many factors that, it would seem, this woman forgot. The entry implies that white moms only give birth to white children. It is a proven fact that there have been increases in interracial marriages that resulted in children in the US. Even with that fact put aside, the US is a melting pot of ethnicity, culture and diversity.
Another startling suggestion from this piece was that white children will never in their lives experience racism. That statement is in and of itself, racist.
To deny that there is racism against white people, especially among children, is down right insulting. Although it is significantly less, it does exist. The common attitude toward racism against white people is that they deserve it because of what they did during slavery and the decades that followed.
This is absurd.
The current generation should not be punished for what those before them have done. A lot of the time, the white families that are being targeted were not even living in the US when slavery was still in practice.
The entry goes on to say, "in your Facebook feed share something that shows this matters to you. Don’t say you don’t want to be political. Don’t tell me you don’t want to offend people. Because all that means is you don’t want to get into it with your clueless white friends. "
It is more likely that these "white moms" don't really have an opinion beyond the immediate outrage and shock everyone else is feeling. When being called out like in this blog post, most don't know how to deal with them being inadvertenly called a racist, or at the very least, apathetic. So, as a result, people share this blog in the fear of being called something that they are not.
Racism is real. Nowadays it touches everyone's lives at one point or another. But, ignorantly calling out a specific group of people demanding them to pull their heads out of the sand and take action is not the way to go.
One type of racism does not outweigh another. Racism against African-Americans is just as important as against whites, or Asians, or Pacific Islanders or Hispanics. It all matters. It is all Racism.
What happened to Michael Brown in Ferguson was an outright tragedy. As this woman states, "unarmed is unarmed." But, to lump all white mothers together and call them clueless and privileged is the exact type of behavior that this mother is asking her "dear white friends" to correct.