Matisyahu stated on his Facebook page:"Honestly, it was appalling and offensive that as the one publicly Jewish-American artist scheduled for the festival they were trying to coerce me into political statements."
All across Europe there has been an increase in anti-semetic acts. In a recent survey taken by the Pew Research Center 34 out of 45 European countries reported that Jews are harassed and anti-semitism is the highest its been in seven years world wide.
According to U.S. News, "Today’s anti-Semitism differs from that of the 1930s. There is no single counterpart to Hitler. There is no one European government or leader fueling most of today’s anti-Jewish acts. Nonetheless, Europe’s leading heads of state acknowledge that Jew-hatred is spreading. Jews are seeing their religious freedom violated, their grave sites vandalized, their synagogues desecrated, and Jewish lives lost."

What's even more worrying is that Times of Israel released an article stating that hating Jews in the US has become "fashionable." And according to the writer, it isn't the first time that these hateful trends were seen in the US.
Freaked out yet?

The truth is that the level of tolerance in the US is low. Thanks to movement like Black Lives Matters US residents are aware of the many ways that the sense of "otherness" is able to frighten people. Still, the problem is when people turn a blind eye to anti-semitism as if it never existed.
In February, a woman in Boise, ID had a neighbor stand on her neck until she claimed that she believed in Jesus. Later that same month, 30 swastikas were scribed on mailboxes in Wisconsin. There is always an onslaught of vandalism and shooting around the Jewish High Holidays. Even with this blatant expression of hatred, people still turn away or shrug it off.
These are irrational acts performed by demented people. These types of people can not be reasoned with. Sadly, the trends that are being seen today are very similar to the warning signs that were detected in events that led to the holocaust. Eleven million people were killed in the name of racial purity. Equally sad, is the fact that today, people's attitude toward Jews are the same. This time, the signs can help avoid the repetition of the horrific events that happened in Europe during WWI and WWII.
The number of hate crimes against Jews rising all over the world are enough to send any parent that identifies with Judaism into panic. The scary thing is that people don't want to know what's happening to the Jews. On the other side of that coin, there are the people who think that the Jews somehow deserve to be hated. And that thought is truly, truly frightening.