So, where does that leave us? The full grown women with the full grown metabolisms that are hanging onto the weight gained during pregnancy. Along with adjusting to all the new and challenging things that come with being a new mom we have to admit to ourselves that we may have given into one too many cravings. The proof of that is in our hips, stomachs and tushies.

The fact is ladies, our bodies go through such a drastic transformation while we're pregnant. Things move around and stretch and shrink. The reason you don't recognize your body after labor is because it's not the same as it was before. It never will be again. You have brought a new life into this world. Of course you'll have a few battle scars.
Things to consider are if you are really dissatisfied with your bodies then do something about it. There are a few really simple, really easy things that you can do as soon as your doctor has cleared you for exercise.
Number One: Walk, walk walk. Walking is a good way to start getting your body used to working out again (or ever, if you never had to workout like me). Go to the park and walk with the stroller. It'll be good for you and Baby. If there aren't any parks nearby, start with around your block. If anything, you learn your neighborhood.
Number Three: Kick the junk. Nothing will change if you eat chips and ho-hos all day long. Try keeping healthy alternatives in the house. Quick, healthy snacks that are easy to prepare will be just as satisfying as the junk you ate before, if not more so since healthy snacks will keep you full longer and make you feel better.
Number Four: Join a gym. The YMCA has a daycare in the facility that cares for your child while you work out. Most YMCAs have a full gym and group classes that can help you get into shape. If nothing else, it helps you get out of the house a few times a week and socializes your baby, too!
Number Five: Tone. A lot of the new found flabbiness on your body is not due to fat, but to muscles being unused throughout your pregnancy. Lift weights, do crunches, all the dreaded things that go along with working out. But, once you do it, and see results, you'll be happy that you did.
Build a routine. Whatever you choose to do, be consistent. Don't stop what you're doing once you start seeing results. Good health takes maintenance. Don't stop once you've reached where you want to be and undo all that wonderful work you did. Remember, it took nine months to get your body where it was after you gave birth and it may take that long or even longer to get it back.
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