Only bring as many diapers you think you will need for the plane ride then buy diapers once you arrive at your destination. Do the same for the way back. If you're lucky, you can leave your left over diapers with whomever you were visiting so that they can use them for their baby.

Plane rides can be a source of anxiety as well. Bring along a few of Baby's favorite toys. It would be a good idea to bring one or two he hasn't seen before. Make sure that you put a leash on the toys and clip it to your back or the back of the seat in front of you if you can. The last thing you want is to have the toy fall on the floor of the airplane!
Give them something to suck on, let it be either a breastfeeding session or a bottle or binky. It helps relieve the pressure in their ears and also keeps them calm and quiet. It's a good idea to not anything too stimulating on the plane. Practice quiet and calming pass times like books or toys that don't make a lot of noise or have flashy lights.
Wear your baby if you can. Most airports do not count the car seat as an extra bag. So, put your baby in a carrier and keep the stroller with you, but check the car seat. The stroller can be left at the front of the airplane and will be waiting for you when you arrive.

Don't be afraid to travel with your little bundle of joy! Exposure to travel at an early age will make later flights way easier and will expose your child to many wonderful things. For more on how to travel with a baby, click here: http://www.babycenter.com/packing-checklist-for-traveling-with-baby
Happy and safe travels this holiday season.
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