Because it's awesome!
Meghan gives voice to all the young girls who are distraught that they don't look like the girls in the magazines. With a strong, beautiful voice and a beat you can't help, but dance to Meghan states plain and clear:
"Cuz every inch of you is perfect, from the bottom to the top."
What tweens and teens don't realize is that the reason they don't look like the girls in the fashion magazines is because the models are fictional. If the girls saw what the models looked like before they were Photoshopped they might feel a little better about themselves.
The song states, "I see the magazines working' that Photoshop. We know that sh*t ain't real. C'mon know, make it stop!"
What's great about that lyric is that it calls out the fashion industry for fabricating beauty which keeps little girls buying their products to look "beautiful." But, what they don't know is that they will never achieve it, since their base of beauty is physically impossible.
Surprisingly, Meghen has received some backlash. One blogger writes for the Feministing stated that the newly declared woman's anthem "All About That Bass" is disappointing. In response to the first verse where Meghan talks about accepting her curvy body, this blogger states, "No need to worry about failing to meet the standard of beauty imposed by the fashion industry, she meets the one imposed by men. Phew, that’s a relief!"

The blogger for Feministing goes to say, "OK, but are women who don’t have boom boom disqualified from having beauty? Is beauty the same thing as boom boom?"
This verse states what Meghan Trainor is trying to say. You are perfect the way you are. She is not disqualifying anyone. She is working off the pretense that skinny girls are generally considered beautiful more than curvy ones. Meghan states it clear as day in the first line of the song:
"Yeah, it's pretty clear. I ain't no size 2."
According to USA Today, "Psychologists and eating-disorder experts are worried about the same thing. They say the fashion industry has gone too far in pushing a dangerously thin image that women, and even very young girls, may try to emulate."
The article goes on to say that there are increases in eating disorders in young girls who are trying to lose weight to look like the models depicted in the magazines. The scary thing is that it isn't all photoshop. The lanky, "willowy" look of today's model's has been declared unhealthy by other fashion industry leaders in places like Spain and India.
Girls have enough trouble as it is trying to feel comfortable in their own skin. If a song like "All About That Bass" helps them, then good! So what if the lyrics are little shallow in places? If anything, the song opens the doors for the conversations that we should be having with our young girls about what is beautiful and what is just plain fabricated.
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